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Bisnis cenderung gagal karena mereka memiliki:

  • Rencana strategi yang tidak realistis.
Banyak pengusaha baru yang gagal mengembangkan rencana stratejik yang kuat atau sasaran bisnis yang realistis. Pastikan untuk membuat sasaran spesifik yang mencakup deadline dan rencana untuk mencapainya. Tinjau ulang business plan anda secara berkala.

  • Layanan pelanggan yang buruk.
Layanan pelanggan bukan lagi sebuah benefit. Ini adalah ekspektasi. Kegagalan memberikan fokus yang kuat pada layanan pelangan dapat menghancurkan bisnis anda dengan mudah. Gunakan waktu untuk mendidik dan melatih pegawai anda dalam memberikan layanan pelanggan yang bagus.

  • Marketing yang tidak memadai.
Iklan, promosi, dan menjual ke konsumen potensial adalah komitmen yang berkelanjutan. Marketing dan iklan harus sering dilakukan agar efektif.

  • Pelatihan karyawan yang buruk.
Staf yang tidak terlatih dengan baik akan membuat kesal konsumen. Konsumen yang kecewa akan pergi meninggalkan anda. Investasikan sumber dan waktu untuk melatih staf anda.

  • Pengeluaran yang berlebihan.
Evaluasi pengeluaran anda dan tanyakan pada diri anda beberapa pertanyaan sulit. Misalnya, apakah anda perlu membeli peralatan terbaru atau anda dapat membeli yang bekas? Pertimbangkan juga mengembangkan beberapa jenis sistem pengendalian yang akan melacak dan memonitor pengeluaran anda.
  • Pencatatan keuangan yang buruk.
Ini adalah tanggung-jawab anda selaku pemilik usaha berapa banyak dana yang masuk dalam operasional anda dan berapa banyak yang keluar. Dengan memelihara pencatatan yang detil dan laporan keuangan adalah penting bagi bisnis anda. Selalu update dan membuat catatan yang detil.

  • Tidak ada cadangan tunai atau modal kerja.
Pada saat bisnis anda dalam kondisi baik, sisihkan sumber anda sebagai cadangan. Pertimbangkan untuk investasi cadangan modal di pasar uang. Dengan demikian, anda dapat menggunakannya jika sewaktu-waktu diperlukan.

  • Masalah Pajak.
Apakah anda menginginkannya atau tidak, anda tetap harus membayar pajak. Jadi, ikuti aturan dan membayar tepat waktu. Jika tidak, akan menjadi jumlah yang sangat banyak.

  • Kurangnya pengetahuan bisnis.
Menjalankan bisnis melibatkan lebih dari sekedar penjualan dan layanan pelanggan yang baik. Selaku pengusaha, anda berhutang pada diri anda sendiri untuk memiliki pengetahuan menjalankan bisnis yang memadai. Luangkan waktu untuk membaca buku, kursus, dan mencari penasehat profesional jika diperlukan.

Jadi, pastikan anda memperhatikan nasehat bisnis ini sehingga bisnis anda tidak berakhir dengan mudah.

Author: Tom Perkins

How to Improve Your Customer Service
Customer service is fundamental to building up customer loyalty and in increasing market share. Providing excellent customer service often helps the customer choose between products or services from various suppliers. How can you improve your customer service?
To attain high quality customer service, you need to hire competent and qualified agents to work in the customer service department. Look for those who have a great personality, who love to talk to people, who are well organized, well mannered and don’t mind working in a highly stressful work place. By hiring good people to work with your customers, you will help provide a great service to customers who make your business profitable and successful. Remember to make your customer service agents happy by giving them great pay to start and raises every so often according to performance. This will help them to come to work with a good attitude and to be willing to provide the customers with great satisfaction. Keeping your customers happy is the key to keeping them as customers.

To attain high quality customer service, you need to hire competent and qualified agents to work in the customer service department. Look for those who have a great personality, who love to talk to people, who are well organized, well mannered and don’t mind working in a highly stressful work place. By hiring good people to work with your customers, you will help provide a great service to customers who make your business profitable and successful. Remember to make your customer service agents happy by giving them great pay to start and raises every so often according to performance. This will help them to come to work with a good attitude and to be willing to provide the customers with great satisfaction. Keeping your customers happy is the key to keeping them as customers.

If you have an online business, you can invest in an auto responder. It can help you to be more organized and reach a great amount of customers. You can use it to thank your customers for their order, send them a confirmation number or send emails when their items have been shipped and a way for them to track the item. You can add features such as sending a discount coupon on their next purchase with your company through their email as well. Customers like courtesies.

Solve your customers’ complaints calmly and quickly. Customers like to think that you care and that you have a solution to the problem. They get irritated if you take too long to resolve the issue and more so if you fail to make them happy. It doesn’t help the business if you approach the customers with a negative attitude but instead try to please them as much as possible. Let them know how you can help them and offer them a choice of what you can do for them like:
  • you can give them a refund for the item,
  • replace the defective item,
  • have it repaired at no cost to them,
  • give them a store credit to use now or later,
  • give them a free gift for their trouble,
  • or give them a store discount.

Find ways that you can contact your customers for feedback on their experience, and with the overall service from ordering to receiving. Ask them if there is anything you could have done to improve their buying experience so that they remain one of your faithful customers. Check to see if they are happy with the product or the service received. Continually find new ways to better your customer service to make sure your customers are happy with their purchase and how they are being treated in case of a problem.

Offer your customers choices of how the company can be contacted. It can be done through phone calls, letters, emails and in person.

Offer training classes to your employees. They can learn skills to handle difficult situations. They can learn how to be pleasant on the phone or dealing with customers in person while being polite at all times.

Remember, customers like to be treated like royalty and you like to see them shop in your store, so the only solution to this is to make sure that you have great agents working in your customer service department. A small gesture such as thanking the customer for shopping in your store or ordering an item online is all it takes for that customer to come back and continue to do business with you again.

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